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Our Samithi’s aim is to visit these villages to educate and increase their awareness. On a need basis we will study the ground realities and provide what is most needed. It could be to construct a clean bathroom, paint a school building, or build a playground for children.

Old age homes:  As most of the young people are of late increasingly migrating to cities, leaving their old parents and grand parents to fend for themselves back in the villages, there is a growing need for old age homes. Although we have already established old age homes in some mandals, the demand far exceeds the available infrastructural resources.

Hostel: Many youths from rural areas come from families that have no means to support their education, board and lodging in towns and cities where better schools and colleges are located. Our Samithi endeavours to establish and run hostels and choultries for the benefit of our students. At some locations, such accommodation facilities are also extended to visitors of the community who are unable find any other proper shelter for a brief stay.

Function Halls: We need to preserve our traditional ambience at a variety of functions, events and celebrations such as weddings, Ugadi, Sankranti, art, music, literary shows, and such other festivities. It calls for a unique infrastructural setting suited to the Kshatriya community and customs. We already have some function halls at certain locations, but there is a need to extend such facilities to other places as well.

Old Age Homes
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