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About Us
Encouraged with the impressive welfare services provided by the 50-year old “The Kshatriya Seva Samithi-AP” (1961) and the 8-year old “The Federation of Kshatriya Seva Sanghams (FKSS)”-AP (2002), it was felt to have an All India Body with similar objects and goals of those two but widening the reach and the scale of assistance/services. Thus, the AIKF emerged on 12 July 2007 to serve the multitude of less privileged Kshatriya Rajputs of the country.

This site is created and sponsored by a core team of Kshatriya leaders from AP, ably assisted by their counterparts from other states/regions and a talented pool of volunteers, for providing information on the activities of the Federation, periodically, and global connectivity to bridge the void otherwise is common in any social venture of this kind. Using latest techniques and technology, this platform is intended to enable participation, promotion and contributing to the social causes through welfare activities as enshrined in the constitution of the Federation.

Though a similar site exists with the AP STATE Federation (FKSS) for serving the local Samithis, it is now felt to have an exclusive site for the national body (AIKF) in a 3-language (English, Hindi &Telugu) format for wider coverage and acceptance. In the beginning stages, more emphasis & efforts are put in the area of higher education and allied counseling/coaching areas to be followed with other service activities as we go along in refining and updating exercises.

Kshatriya Rajputs constitute about 10 to 12 percent of the Indian population (1.1 billion), though South India accounts only about 0.3 percent of its approximate population of 0.3 billion. They are considered to be the descendants of erstwhile kings/rulers belonging to the Rajput community. Then, with times, some of them migrated to the southern plains and settled to be called Kshatriya Rajus, Andhra Pradesh state accounting for about 0.7 million and the rest of the southern states account for a measly 0.2 million.

The Kshatriyas

Kshatriya, derived from Sanskrit word Ksatra, meaning ‘dominion, power and government’. The Kshatriya Rajputs are traditionally known for their valor, compassion and kindness. Once very powerful with large land holdings, many of the present generation are very successful in various professions and quite many amongst us are less fortunate, needing our attention and support to get back in to the mainstream.

Realizing the need to extend support to such marginalized sections, many Samithis / Samajams – SOME OF THEM ARE MORE THAN 100 YEARS OLD – were formed and focused on helping youth to get a proper education. Slowly but steadily educational institutions, hostels, old-age homes have been set up mainly to cater to the needs of different categories of such people. Now, it is imperative that all such and many other including health-care needs are addressed with the attendant alleviate measures & mechanisms will be devised by the All India Kshatriya Federation.

The present membership strength is 42 with the South India accounting for 40 percent. The AIKF is administered by a GOVERNIG COUNCIL and is guided by the General Body.


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