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  Warm Welcome to the All India Kshatriya Federation & Wishing you all Happy- tidings.

The All India Kshatriya Federation (AIKF) is a voluntary apex body of like-minded Member-Samithis of Rajput Kshatriyas spread across the length and breadth of the Mother-country India and abroad.

Established on 12 July 2007 and Headquartered in the Historical city of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, AIKF undertook reaching out to the community with visits to several important parts of India, where our community’s presence is large, for spreading the message that AIKF is the torch-bearer of the community with a Mission & Vision to serve and integrate more than 120 million Kshatriya Rajputs on a common platform

Firmly believing that being responsible citizens of the country and the community, it is our bounden duty to contribute our mite to the national development through several welfare measures for alleviating the not so privileged sections of the society, thus bringing them to the main-fold of the development processes.

Some of the short-term and long-term plans of AIKF include:

  • Provide avenues & financial assistance for pursuing higher education
  • Provide coaching & counseling to the aspirants
  • Provide entrepreneurial guidance & assistance
  • Assist to have access to the governmental welfare schemes in vogue
  • Provide health-care
  • Provide avenues for better livelihood


Matrimonial It is the right place to search for your life partner! This is one way we help the needy and give something back to the community
Careers Get the best Jobs matching your preferences. Not only does provide the jobs for all types of candidates but it focuses on the career development.

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