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Related Festival:
• Sankranti
•1/2 cup raw rice washed and drained
•1/2 cup sugar or grated jaggery
•1 litre milk
•pinch of salt
•1/4 tsp ground green cardamom
•fried cashew nuts and raisins for garnish
•1 tbsp ghee(clarified butter)for frying cashew nuts and raisins

Method: Wash and soak rice in water for about fifteen minutes. Heat a pan and bring milk to a boil.Lower heat and add the rice to the milk.Cook until the rice is soft and the mixture looks thick.Remove from heat and cool. Add the sugar and mix well and keep stirring till it mixes well. Heat ghee in a skillet and add cashew nuts. Fry for 1-2 mts till the cashewnuts turn light brown. Add raisins and stir for a few seconds.Add this along with the remaining ghee to the cooked rice.Add cardamom powder and a pinch of salt and mix well.Turn off heat and keep covered for 5 minutes.Serve hot or cold.

Note: If you are using jaggery in place of sugar you must follow this method.Heat a small pan and boil 1/2 cup water and add grated jaggery.On slow fire let the jaggery cook till it melts and is sticky (if you touch a drop of the jaggery between the thumb and fore finger it should feel sticky).Dont let it heat too much,it should basically melt...approx 4-5 mts. Remove from heat and keep aside.Let it cool for 3-4 minutes and then add to the cooled cooked rice otherwise the milk might split. 

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