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We are committed to serving the common interests of the community in general and helping the less fortunate and uncared members in particular.

We will strive at all times to promote the welfare, well being and overall development of the community, especially in key areas such as education and employment, health and medical care, welfare of widows, and shelter for students and visitors.

Our special focus is on empowering and enabling the downtrodden and weaker sections of society and uplifting them to a higher level of dignity and development, self-sufficiency and self-esteem. 

In fulfilling our mission, we will endeavour to assist those in need by our active involvement in the following areas: 


  • Promote educational interests of the people regardless of their caste, creed or religion.
  • Establish, manage and assist educational institutions for the poor and needy.
  • Set up and maintain hostels for students pursuing courses in the city of Hyderabad and Delhi.
  • Institute and award fellowships including travel fellowships, scholarships, medals and prizes to deserving students.


  • Train, or arrange to coach, and guide candidates for various competitive examinations conducted by educational or employment agencies for the purpose of appointment or admission into academic and/or professional courses of study.
  • Assist, counsel and guide the educated unemployed who are seeking placement and employment.
  • Establish, manage or assist an employment and career guidance bureau or training institution to help the youth in choosing a career.


  • Provide boarding and lodging facilities for visitors at Hyderabad and Delhi on payment of prescribed charges.
  • Promote social, cultural and literary activities.
  • Establish branch offices of the Samithi at suitable places in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Amalgamate by merger or otherwise Associations and Institutions having similar aims and objectives.
  • Recognise, honor and encourage distinguished and deserving persons in public life, social service, fine arts, literature, science and such other fields.
  • Set up, maintain and grant aid to homes, orphanages or other establishments for providing relief and support to the poor and needy regardless of their caste, creed or religion.
  • Publish, or provide assistance for the publication of, books, journals, brochures, pamphlets, Websites, e-journals, blogs, etc., for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the Samithi.
  • Establish and administer community halls and forums for fostering social integration and serving the social needs of the public at large.
  • Do any other thing or undertake any other activity that is incidental to, and/or conducive to, the attainment of the above objectives.


  • Provide medical assistance for patients in medical care centres related to cancer, heart disease, kidney transplantation and other major surgical intervention cases.
  • Organise and conduct free medical camps for the needy.


  • Establish or assist a marriage bureau for the benefit of the youth in choosing their life partners.
  • Organise, assist or facilitate the conduct of, cultural events, art exhibitions, musical or literary programmes.

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