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Memorandum of Association


This Association shall be called “THE ALL INDIA KSHATRIYA FEDERATION” (AIKF).

Registered Office:

The Registered Office of the Federation shall be located at 103, Block-2, Kshatriya Towers, 2-1-284, Nallakunta, Hyderabad – 500 044, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. 


This Federation is constituted for achieving the following objects: 

  • To work as coordinating and guiding agency for various Local/State/Regional Kshatriya Federations, Kshatriya Seva Samithis, Sanghams, Societies, Samakhyas, Samajams, Parishats, Trusts, Associations, etc., with whatever names they are called, with common and similar aims and objects to serve the society at large irrespective of Caste, Creed or Religion.

  • To advance and promote educational interests of the people and for the said purpose establish, manage, maintain or assist educational institutions.

  • To provide medical facilities to the public by organizing medical camps, establishing insurance cover/ medical Insurance and give financial assistance to poor and needy for the said purpose.

  • To help marginalized sections to have access to the welfare schemes of the Govt. of India and State Governments.

  • To promote social, cultural and literary activities.

  • To institute and award fellowships including travel fellowships and scholarships; sponsor students for higher studies; award medals and prizes and provide financial assistance for education to deserving and needy students.

  • To locate Regional offices of the Federation wherever required.

  • To organize Regional, State and National level Conferences and other activities in Coordination with member Samithis/Samajams and others.

  • To provide periodical information regarding the activities of the Federation to its member Samithis/Samajams and others.

  • To identify special needs, issues and problems of the community at large and provide needy services in this regard.

  • To train or arrange to train and guide prospective candidates for various competitive examinations conducted by different educational or employment agencies for the purpose of appointments or for admission into academic and professional courses and studies, etc.

  • To assist and guide educated unemployed in seeking employment and also provide financial assistance for self-employment to needy persons.

  • To establish, manage or assist an employment career Guidance Bureau or Training Institution to help the Youth in choosing a career.

  • To establish or assist a Marriage Bureau for the benefit of the Youth in choosing their life partner.

  • To honor and encourage distinguished and deserving persons in public life, Social services, Fine Arts Literature, Science and Technology etc.

  • To publish or provide assistance for publication of books, periodicals, etc., for the purpose of achieving the objects of the Federation.

  • To establish, maintain or grant aid to Homes, hostels, orphanages or other establishments for relief and help to the poor and needy and also provide financial assistance to widows, orphans, etc.

  • To Establish “Centers of Excellence” to take up the above activities in a sustainable way.

  • To do all such things, which are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above objects.


  • “Certified that the Federation is formed with no profit motive and no commercial activity is involved in its working”.

  • “Certified that the elected office-bearers are not paid from the Funds of the Federation”.

  • “Certified that the Federation would not indulge in agitational activities to ventilate grievances”.

  • “Certified that the Federation would serve people irrespective of caste, creed or Religion”.

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