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Higher Education

 In a world of super specialization, higher education is the only route that can open the doors of opportunity for the youth. The better the educational qualifications one has, the higher the chances of securing the best career opportunities and improving one’s standard of living.

By investing in oneself to this extent, any young person from a disadvantaged background enables his family to be lifted above squalor and poverty. The Kshatriya Samithi spends long hours explaining to the parents of the local youth in villages the need for their children to pursue an education, no matter how expensive or how long. Those who have taken advantage of this helping hand have achieved their goal and have become role models for younger members of their community.

Samithis continue to extol the virtues of being educated in a world of cut-throat competition. The Samithi offers high school students scholarships to pursue higher studies—Intermediate, Graduation, Post-graduation and professional courses.

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