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  • 1. Name of the scheme: AIKF National Students Scholarships.and name of the committee managing its implementation will be known as ' AIKF National Students Scholarships Management Committee.( AIKF SS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE)
  • Detaled guidelines:
    • A: It will be a interest free loan to concerned students and his/her parents/guardians for a period mentioned in the order of sanction letter issued at the time of sanctioning the scholarship.
    • B: Repayment will start ONE YEAR after the completion of study or when student starts earning by way of stipend or any other income starts.Usually repayment will be completed maximally within 5 years.Amount of mounthly instalments will be mentioned in the scholarship sanction letter.
    • C: Surity: Any two office-bearers of the member organisation of AIKF will sign as surity. There will not be any need additional surity.
    • D: Mode of selection of Beneficiaries: At present executive committee and main office-bearers of the member organisations of the AIKF ,will decide the exact name of the beneficiaries based on criteriaes decided by AIKF SS management committee.:These guidelines to the member organisations will be sent by AIKF SS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE.
    • F: For this year we will be considering scholarship awards only to higher secondary students in std 11 and 12only. If any amendments ,we will let member organisations know.The selection of students will be based on 'need plus merit' basis to be decided by the member organisations.
  • 3: Budget : For this year the total budget earmarked for students scholarships will be approximately: Rs. 25 lacs yearly.This includes Rs.10 lacs to be given by Mr.R.N.singh of Mumbai and Rs. 15 lacs by AIKF and other donors.
  • 4: Proposed policy of distribution of funds: This year up to 50,000 per student per year will be sanctioned. Also we may adopt a policy of allotting at least one scholarship via every member organisation. At present we have about 41 members. Plus we may have to include U.P. and BIHAR also.

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