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Related Festival:
•Bhogi, Sivaratri, Varalakshmi Vratam, Ganesh Chathurdhi, Dasara and Deepavali
•Vermicelli (Saemiya) 200 gm
•Sugar - 3 cups
•Sweetened condensed milk - 200gm
•Milk - 1 litre
•Ghee(clarified butter) - 3 tbsp
•Unsalted raw Cashew nuts - 50gms
•Black raisins - 50gms
•Cardamom powder - 1tsp
Take a heavy bottom flat vessel. Add the ghee. Fry the cashew till golden brown and remove. Add the raisins and stir for a minute and remove. Add the vermicelli and roast till golden brown. Add more ghee if required. Add the sugar and stir for 5 minutes. Be careful that the sugar does not stick to the vessel. Add the milk and stir on low flame. Take another pan and boil 3 cups of water. Off the gas and add the sweetened condensed milk to the water and dissolve it. Meanwhile the milk would be boiling. Check if the vermicelli is cooked. Do not over cook it. It should be just done. Add the diluted condensed milk and keep on stirring. Check the sweetness. Add more sugar if needed. Keep on stirring till the mixture starts getting thick. Turn off the gas. Add the fried cashew nuts and raisins. Add the cardamom powder and keep covered. Can be served hot or chilled. If the mixture gets thick add some boiled milk to the payasam.
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